Tuesday, July 18, 2006

culture shock

7/11/2006, 13.30
Chicago, IL

Until now I've never experienced culture shock at home, surrounded by my own culture. It's unnerving to say the least. While a part of me knows it will go away quickly once I begin my daily routine again, another larger part doesn't want it to. I suppose it's more like reverse culture shock, really. I get surprised when I hear somebody on the street speaking in my native language, & it sounds so foreign. I've grown accustomed to not understanding the language, posters & signs around me, & suddenly now that I do it makes me uncomfortable. For breakfast/lunch I grabbed two slices of my favorite bread: Roman Meal. It was strange just eating sliced bread, but stranger still was that it tasted plastic, fake. I grew up eating this bread, how can six weeks change how I feel even about the most ingrained childhood habits?

I want to go back.


  1. i read the first post and the last...
    really i think you should do it too...you will smile at what you've written in the first to what you've wanted in the last...:)
    will read up the rest in leisure


  2. oh wow, i've never actually read those back-to-back. thanks for the catch!
    and i'm kinda of floored anyone's reading this. if you continue to, i hope you enjoy it!
